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CDV Bvt Major Hiram Dryer 1st & 13th US Infy Antietam
CDV Lt Elam F Pigott 12th West Virginia Infy
CDV Bvt Brigadier Henry Rust Jr, 1st/10th/13th Maine Vols
CDV Henry Todd 36th Mass Color Bearer KIA Wilderness
CDV Capt George W Buckingham 23rd Michigan
CDV Captain John Hamilton 23rd Michigan
CDV BBG Albert Ordway of Massachusetts
CDV Lt Colonel Samuel Marsh 16th NYVI Mortally Wounded Gaines Mills
CDV Major Benjamin M Piatt AAG Bvt Capt Gettysburg
CDV Lt Edgar A Stratton 5th Connecticut Vols
CDV William J Fales 23rd Michigan
CDV Sgt Charles A Muma 23rd Michigan
CDV Captain Eben Ayres 23rd Michigan Infantry
Rare CDV Union Sutler John Coughlin 2nd Mass Infy
Autographed CDV BBG Gilbert ML Johnson 11th Indiana Cav.
Fredericks CDV Robert Nugent 69th NYVI Irish Brigade
CDV Drummer Boy Robert Hendershott 8th Michigan
Rare CDV Major Thomas Osborne XI Corps Arty Gettysburg
CDV Colonel Rush Hawkins 9th NYVI Hawkins Zouaves
Rare CDV Photo Fall of Richmond VA