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Interesting Letter Col. Clark Edwards 5th Maine Penninsula Battles
90th Pa Vols Doc/Letter Court Martial, Rape Negro!
Full ALS by General Amiel Whipple KIA Chancellorsville
Civil War Letter George W Wallace 111th NY KIA Gettysburg
Excellent Battle of Farmington MS (Corinth) Battle letter
Patriotic Lettersheet Soldier Thomas Doty Battle Content
Letter from a Collis Zouave 114th PA Vols Fredericksburg
4 Pg Letter Sargent James Herndon 101 OVI Huntsville AL
14th NH Letter Death of Lincoln & Booth! Leonard Perham
4Pg Letter Daniel Croshaw 117th NYVI Suffolk Va. "Jackson"
Spectacular Fredericksburg Letter SamWakelee 14th CT
CW Letter 2nd Massachusetts Sharpshooters Patriotic Cover
Generals Charles S Hamilton & Charles D Jameson Document
Sgt Thomas Hatton 82nd Pa, Outskirts of Richmond Seven Days
Sgt Thomas Hatton 82nd Pa Siege of Yorktown, KIA Malvern Hill
3 Pg Letter Sgt Thomas Hatton 82nd Pa, KIA Seven Days
1861 USN Document USS Niagara at Ships Island La.
49th Ohio Letter Battle of Shiloh, Patriotic Cover
1864 ALS James Seddon War Dept CSA
ALS Alexander Stephens Georgia " Guns & Swords"